April 26, 2006


Fans of faceted classification (such as myself) will want to run over to the Flamenco page and check out this newly open-sourced framework from UC Berkeley.

Flamenco is written in python (I'm doing more ruby stuff lately, but I'm still a python fan), and looks pretty good. Well, it looks good as long as you don't try the demos on their site. I hit errors in a few of the demos posted. Hopefully they'll be fixed soon.

Posted by Karl at 03:07 PM

April 11, 2006

iSchool Podcast

If you're at all interested in the world of information science or library science, check out InfoSpeak, a podcast from the UW's iSchool (my alma mater). I found time today to listen to the interview with Dean Emeritus Mike Eisenberg, which was well worth it. I'm looking forward to more!

(via Andrew Dillon)

Posted by Karl at 08:36 PM

April 10, 2006

More Backup Options: Mozy

Phil Windley recently mentioned a new backup service called Mozy. It looks to be a all-in-one backup tool + storage solution that is easy enough for the average person to use. I haven't tried it, so I can't comment on how well it works, but it does look like a nice option for those who don't want to fool around with rsync and other geeky options. Windows-only right now.

My next move on the backup front will probably be the method described on the Strongspace website. I just need to put aside a few minutes to try it out...

Posted by Karl at 08:22 AM