January 30, 2006

Plurals in Rails

Okay, I'll admit it: it took me way too long to wrap my head around the pluralization defaults in Rails. Perhaps because many of my initial Rails projects had names that just didn't pluralize/singularize well. Anyway. If you're like me, go check out Geoffrey Grosenbach's Find the Plural of a Word tool. Very handy.

Posted by Karl at 02:13 PM

January 11, 2006

Link Tracker via Ajax

Glenn Jones has written a nifty AJAX stats system: Ajax Link Tracker. Follow the directions in his post to get the stats to show up. Very cool!

This basically acts as your own private version of ClickTracks. Granted, given the level of technical knowledge needed, I doubt the ClickTracks folks need to start worrying.

Posted by Karl at 05:29 PM

January 10, 2006

Getting Real

It turns out people have been using the "getting real" concepts for a while now. Like, before the web.

For most of the age of sail, the ships were too complex and too costly to be made by rules of thumb. The wright would carve a small half-model of the ship to be constructed, showing the lines of the ship from stem to stern. Owners or clients might argue and dispute over this model, but once it was accepted, it was the basis on which the ship would be built. It took eighteen tons of paper blueprints to specifiy exactly how the World War II battleship the USS Missouri was to be built, but the basis of a sailing ship was a small model easily held it two hands.

(From William Bryant Logan's Oak, the Frame of Civilization, p. 220-221)

Posted by Karl at 07:23 PM

January 05, 2006


The just-announced-in-the-US-but-available-in-Japan-for-a-while-now Sony Reader would seem to have some interesting possibilities in the education sphere. E-textbooks, anyone? No, it isn't quite the $100 laptop, but putting one of these in the hands of every student could be interesting.

Posted by Karl at 06:55 AM

January 02, 2006

Building an effective web presence in a large organisation

Martin Belam has posted a nice article called "Gaining Online Advantage - Building an effective web presence in a large organisation."

Don't be scared off if, like me, you aren't working with a large organization. There isn't anything particularly enterprise-y about this first installment. The concepts he presents will work well for all organizations, I think.

Update: Part 2 of this article is up.

Update: Part 3 is up, too.

Posted by Karl at 12:03 PM