July 24, 2006

Retreat Topics

I've been asked to post the list of topics I used in the retreat I wrote about the other day.

First, a few words on how I picked the topics. I billed this as an "emerging technology" retreat, but savvy readers will note that most of these trends have already emerged. But, as with any form of communication, the key is to know your audience. And, in this situation, we were covering many topics in which most members of the group had only a passing familiarity. Plus, most of the topics on the list have a direct connection to our work (proving online educational resources). Also, while some of these trends have been around for a couple of years, we don't yet have a good handle on their impact.

So, with the caveats aside, here's the list:

  • 1-to-1 computing *

  • eBooks *

  • RSS and Feeds *

  • Blogs *

  • Podcasts and the rise of the iPod *

  • Wikis *

  • Wireless, Cell phones, 3G *

  • Open Source and Open Content *

  • Voice over IP (VoIP)

  • Internet2 & other high-bandwidth networks

  • Search

  • Web services / mashups

  • Social Networking *

The topics marked with a * were picked by one of the participants and discussed during the retreat.