March 10, 2004

Debugging CSS

Right upfront, I'm a big fan of CSS. I've posted plenty about the benefits, and pointed to lots of articles and entries on the subject of CSS and standards. But...

CSS makes it difficult for the mere mortal to create a webpage. In the old days, hacking together a web page that looked decent was well within the range of many computer literate folks. I wonder if those days are starting to fade away.

CSS is powerful, and as a result, fairly complex. There are lots of pieces to consider, especially when something goes wrong. You not only have the CSS code to consider, but also the (X)HTML code and the scores of browser quirks and bugs. Automated tools, like the latest version of Dreamweaver and Style Master, help, but there is a decent learning curve with these approaches as well.

All of this was a very long-winded and slightly pessimistic way of saying that Dave Shea posted a very helpful little lesson on debugging CSS problems. I've used many of these tips before, but its nice to them aggregated into a single page that those new to CSS can reference.