February 18, 2004

Changes to the Information Management Weblog!

There are going to be a few changes to this weblog. The big one is that I won't be updating it here anymore. I'm leaving PSESD at the end of the month for a new job, and thus won't be doing my weblog writing here.

But, I do plan on continuing to write into a weblog. I've moved everything over to a new site: http://www.karlnelson.net/. We'll also plan on redirecting the RSS feed directly to the new site. So, if you're reading this via RSS, you should be automatically redirected to the new feed. If not, the new feed can be found at http://www.karlnelson.net/index.xml.

In the meantime, here are a couple of other PSESD weblogs you might be interested in:

  • Online Development Weblog, maintained by Kevin, Tony, and Dave (my soon-to-be-former co-workers) in the Online Development Center.

  • Educational Technology Weblog, maintained mostly by Conn McQuinn. Conn is a great writer, and he comes up with some interesting links from the technology/education world. I know I'll keep reading his weblog...