The good folks at Apple's Developer Connection have written an article on best practices in web development. The article covers doctypes, XHTML, CSS, Accessiblity, and JavaScript. In the whole, its a nice overview of the things you need to do to create more "modern" web pages.
The article also manages to squeeze in a not-so-subtle dig at Microsoft's stalled IE development:
By comparison, Internet Explorer for Windows—the most popular browser for the Windows OS—often requires web developers to use a number of non-standard tricks or to accept layout differences. This situation is unlikely to change anytime soon, so for now, web developers have to work around these problems.
I agree. In fact, a few weeks ago I was speaking to a Microsoft employee and I mentioned that "IE is turning into the new Netscape 4." I'm not sure he got the reference (NN4 required lots of hacks to get decent display, and its buggy CSS support slowed adoption of web standards), but he did agree that Microsoft has pretty much stopped development in favor of Longhorn development and that it might not be the best approach. Huh.
Posted by Karl
December 16, 2003 08:34 AM