November 14, 2003

Usability for Site Redesigns

The latest issue of A List Apart features a great article by Jeffery Zeldman on Tackling Usability Gotchas in Large-scale Site Redesigns.

Improving usability is a good motivation for redesigns and was the driving force behind the ALA 3.0 redesign. But redesigns often introduce new usability problems. In this article, I’ll discuss one such problem and the way we addressed it, focusing on the creative dilemma and its solution rather than on the technical implementation details. You may be redesigning a large or mid-sized content site and restructuring it in the process. If so, you might face the same problem ALA did, and the thinking that went into our solution might help you craft your own.

Zeldman and company did a great job with the redesign, and their solution to the issues with changing URLs seemed to work well.