July 22, 2003

Conference Presentations

Nick Finck pointed to a couple of conference presentations from the recently-concluded WebVisions2003. Mark Newhouse has a nice "Back to the Future"-themed presentation about CSS, markup, and standards. Its a nice read, if only for Mark's slick design. Jeffery Veen has posted his keynote slides, entitled "Beyond Usability: Why Design is Hard and What We're Going To Do About It. Veen's slides are interesting, but I really wish I could hear his talk, too. The slides are very visual, and even though many of the themes and sites were familiar to me, I'd still love to hear what he had to say about them. My curiosity was piqued a bit more after reading Jeff's comments on the presentation, where he says he borrowed some concepts from his wife's preaching class. So, here's hoping a video surfaces, as they have for a number of other recent conferences.