I've been seeing more and more articles on RSS, the XML format used to syndicate web content. Presstime has an article on providing RSS feeds, and Jon Udell talks about using RSS in PR.
Scripting.com pointed to a nice list of RSS readers and aggregators. There are a lot more out there than I thought! He even lists readers for the iPod and the Newton (for all of you still using Newtons).
I showed my RSS reader of choice, NetNewsWire, to a friend from Microsoft. He was pretty impressed. Being a Microsoft kinda guy, he'll probably like NewsGator, a RSS reader that lives within Outlook.
As I showed him, I use the RSS reader to keep up on what's going on in the worlds of high tech, Mac, information management, web development, and more. It only takes me a few minutes to go through the news items (I used to spend much more time visiting only a few websites).
Posted by Karl
April 10, 2003 08:43 AM