March 28, 2003

Inclusive Web Design

Steve Champeon and Nick Fink posted slides from their SXSW presentation Inclusive Web Design For the Future with Progressive Enhancement. It would probably help to have actually been there, but the slides are interesting, too. Here is their opening manifesto:

Web design must mature and accept the developments of the past several years, abandon the exclusionary attitudes formed in the rough and tumble dotcom era, realize the coming future of a wide variety of devices and platforms, and separate semantic markup from presentation logic and behavior.The goal of Web design is not merely to dazzle, but to deliver information to the widest audience possible.Compromise is possible and desirable, but such compromise should not come at the expense of the user, but rather in terms of the native capabilities of the user's choice of device.Given the powerful capabilities of modern graphical desktop browsers, it is now possible to provide a progressive, gradually enhanced experience across a wide array of browsers, using one markup document and a variety of different stylesheets, not selectively delivered to the user through browser sniffing, but rather requested by the client itself.Leave no one behind.