March 13, 2003

Intranet Approaches

Jeff Lash outlines "Three approaches to Intranet Strategy" in his latest Digital Web article. Its a good, if brief, introduction to some basic intranet concepts. To quote:

Every Intranet is different, and every section of a company’s Intranet can be used differently. There are a number of different methods to how an Intranet can be used to benefit a company. However, the three most popular and most valuable are:

* Knowledge Management
* Collaboration and Communication
* Task Completion

For companies just starting out creating an Intranet, or for companies that have an Intranet but are not quite sure what to do with it, one or more of these approaches may be appropriate.

I think a good intranet should include each of these aspects. I'd tend to favor collaboration/communication and task completion (ie, functionality like filing out HR forms, timesheets, etc) over KM, but each obviously has it's place.