From Baseline Magazine (via Phil Windley's weblog) comes an interesting article on Digital Asset Management (DAM): Divide & Conquer? AOL Time Warner Book Group Falls To Pieces. Although the article focuses on how AOL uses DAM, it really does a nice job of explaining what DAM is and how to use it.
I'm not sure yet how DAM would work in K-12, but it does seem to have some applications. Obviously, things like logos, presentations, and other "corporate"-type assets can be shared. But so can lesson plans, powerpoint presentations and other teaching-type assets.
In a similar vein, we met with some folks from Saltmine a few weeks back. They've got an interesting asset management "solution" that is geared towards web development work. They basically expand the definition of an "asset" to include code.
Posted by Karl
March 12, 2003 12:33 PM