We talked about search engines for a bit during yesterday's Simple Steps workshop. I worked up a quick list of resources on the subject...
http://www.htdig.org/ ht:dig is an open-source search engine that we're using here at the ESD.
http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene/docs/index.html Lucene is a java-based open source search engine from the Apache (webserver) people. I haven't tried it out, but it looks interesting.
http://www.swish-e.org/ Swish-E is another open-source search engine. I recall taking a look at this a year or so ago, and picking ht:dig instead.
http://www.atomz.com/search/ Atomz is an application service provider commercial search engine.
http://www.webtechniques.com/archives/2001/09/champeon/ Steve Champeon has an article about finding a search engine in the late WebTechniques/NewArchitect.
http://www.searchtools.com/ SearchTools has a variety of search engine resources.
http://www.webreview.com/2001/10_22/authors/index01.shtml Meryl Kaplan Evans has an article in WebReview about the many search engine options.
Posted by Karl
February 28, 2003 09:47 AM