I've been using NetNewsWire Lite for a few months. The software downloads RSS feeds from a variety of sources (mostly other weblogs, but also some news sites, like News.com). Its a great way to keep on top of a wide range of information very quickly.
Ranchero Software, the makers of NetNewsWire Lite, have released the "full version" of NetNewsWire ($30). The big addition for me is the ability to use the software to add posts to my weblog. I'm writing this entry within the full version. Its much nicer than writing in a browser, mostly because it includes spell-check, and the formatting buttons (link, bold, etc) work on my Mac. The only downside is that the software only runs on Mac OS X 10.2.
I've been looking for a good weblog posting tool that runs on Mac 9 and/or Windows. We have a number of people here at the ESD that would benefit from an easy to use weblog tool, but I haven't run across one that works well enough to let it loose on the masses. If anyone knows of some good software, let me know...
Posted by Karl
February 12, 2003 09:08 AM