January 18, 2003

Usability Resources

Someone recently asked more some usability resources. This is the brief list I put together:

Start with usability guru Jakob Nielsen: http://www.useit.com/. His classic book on usability is Designing Web Usability. Good book. His articles can get a bit preachy and self-promoting. Your milage may vary.

Steve Krug's Don't Make Me Think is a pretty good book, too.

Usable Web has lots of resources, but it hasn't been maintained much in the past year or so. There is plenty of good stuff, and well organized. Its not like these methods go out of date or anything (for the most part).

Usability News has some info, but its not catagorized, and thus hard to find. I'll let you decide how ironic that is.

Usability Views has lots of articles categorized.

Webword is great for keeping up on new articles that are usability-related.

Some recent articles I've seen are:

Usability Testing: Myths, Misconceptions and Misuses

Gorilla Usability (I think he meant "Guerrila," not "Gorilla": see Nielsen's article Guerrilla HCI: Using Discount Usability Engineering to Penetrate the Intimidation Barrier

Setup Instructions for Tapeless Usability Lab

Boxes and Arrows recently published a list of books about IA, Usability, and other stuff. Any of these sources would be good, too.