Thanks to a mention in Column Two, I came across an article about learning objects: Learning Objects 101: A Primer for Neophytes. From the article:
Ask any three educators what a learning object is, and you're liable to get three different answers. For some, learning objects--small reusable chunks of learning--represent a major paradigm shift away from the traditional unit of learning that has dominated formal education for the last two centuries--the course. In its place, we will erect monolithic databases that can be searched in the blink of an eye to create discrete learning that is highly flexible, individualized, and personally relevant. For others, learning objects are just a fancy new handle for something that teachers have been doing for years--sharing.
There seem to be a lot of parallels with content management. This is an interesting concept, and I'll try to keep my eye out for more info.
Posted by Karl
November 25, 2002 11:57 AM