October 11, 2002

Wired does XHTML and CSS

Wired just redesigned their site to use XHTML and CSS. Although plenty of smaller sites have used this combination for a while now, this seems to be the first large site to make the switch.

Why did they do it? Faster page loads, easier updating, more compatibility with non-PC based browsers, less code needed, more accessible.

The down sides: some older browsers (Netscape 4 being the major offender) won't see the site in all its glory. But, they will see all of the content. Plus, it loads quickly and works just fine (I just tried it out in NN4).

For more commentary on the switch, head over to Zeldman's site. Also, CSS guru Eric Meyer interviews the Wired designer behind the change.

For an added bonus, check out the text size switcher in the upper right-hand corner of Wired's site. It provides a way for users to easily resize the text, making the site more accessible for users of browsers that don't allow for easy text-resizing (like IE/win). A List Apart ran two articles describing the techniques behind this widget: 1 and 2. Good stuff.